Policies, Liability
& Consent Agreement

Please read carefully
Walking a Peaceful Path Consent Form
SusanD. Stanko, BSN,RN, MSOM, Cert. EFT Practitioner
I understand that Susan Stanko is a retired healthcare provider whose licenses are currently inactive for nursing and acupuncture. She is not a licensed therapist or Psychologist and offers EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) as a self-help educator and counselor.
I am aware that Susan Stanko does not diagnose illness or disease, and does not prescribe medications. I agree not to discontinue or change any of my current medications I am taking while working with Susan Stanko without consulting my primary care provider first.
I understand that EFT is considered an alternative form of therapy, and not a substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment or medications, and that it is highly recommended that I currently work with my primary care provider for any conditions I may have at this time.
I understand that a EFT tapping may bring unresolved and distressing memories and related emotions as well as physical sensations into my awareness. It is also possible that disturbing material may continue to surface after a session and require further tapping work.
I also understand that previously traumatic memories may lose their emotional intensity, and this could adversely effect my ability to provide convincing legal testimony.